App is developed and presented by Datt Solutions. It is developed under guidance of UMSHealth Management Pvt. Ltd. with a director senior surgeon from Nagpur, India.This app is for Systematic Health Management aiming to get rid of tough, degenerative andunsolved health problems of today’s living.UMS is based on factors of Universal Science governing our body.UNIVERSAL TREATMENT under UMS is a fine blend of Active and Passive treatment. Alltreatments efforts by means of sources outside our body is Passive treatment and treatmentgenerated within our body by its regenerative abilities is Active treatment. Active RegenerativeTreatment is planned considering our Cellular Regeneration and Tissue repairing by our Stemcells.
Intrinsic Tissue Regeneration is a divine gift by Universal Science to our body; which periodicallyrenovates and forms new cells in our body, disintegrating old cells.The more powerful this tissue Regeneration is , the more freedom from illness.This Regeneration is meant to maintain normalcy in our body.Hence perfect and powerful tissue Regeneration helps pushing the illness out from our body andpotent stem cells helps diseased tissue repair.This also helps other therapeutics to be more effective.Universal Treatment is planned as per individual patient’s condition, diseases and alliedrequirements.
Key features:• Intrinsic Stem Cell Activation• Active and Passive treatment• Dr. Gadekar’s Self Assessment module for patients knowledge about various probable diseases• Dr. Gadekar’s Dial pad Technique for self assessments of abdomen• Help for Known Conditions• Help for Female Conditions
Presented By: Datt Solutions